Shop-wide Sale on organics and vintage bobbins & spools | A few days only!

It’s true.

There’s a super-sale at worthygoods textile.

You can save all sorts of dough on your favorite US made organic cotton fabrics and vintage wooden bobbins and spools. But just for a few days, then the deals go *poof* just a quickly as they arrived. Don’t get caught leaving with Cinderella at this party.

Want in?

Just click here.

Just in: Feather River organic cotton fabrics by Birch Fabrics | Get glamping!

Fall camping is the best.

No crowds, the foliage is gorgeous, you’ve got the shore all to yourself and the perfect excuse to wear your favorite sweater every single day.

It’s all I can think about since Feather River arrived, Birch Fabric’s new fall camping collection. textile feather river all 4 bolts 3Canoes, vintage campers and their adorable wagons, trees in glorious shades of autumn. Just what you’d expect for the perfect glamping trip.textile Feather River - Feather River 1textile feather river all 4 bolts 4textile Feather River Canoes 1textile feather river all 4 bolts 2Textile Feather River - Camper Rally 1Find all four fabrics: Feather River, Feather River Patch, Camper Rally and Canoes at worthygoods textile.

See you there!

And don’t forget to pack your sweater.textile Feather River - Feather River Patch2



Just in: *boop beep boop* | Organic Robotic Collection by Rebekah Ginda for Birch Fabrics

Are these Spacebots clever?

You bet. They jumped through hoops as soon as I opened the box.

textile spacebots robotic in hoop

They’re not spacey at all. In fact, between the books, graph paper and laboratory, I’m starting to think these bots are kinda smart.

textile library robotic hoop 1textile spacebots robotic hoop textile robotic in hoop 1You can find Spacebots, Library, Zoom Teal and my favorite, {the little cheater} Robotic Patchwork all at the shop. Oh, I’ve restocked the organic cotton terry cloth and organic cotton sherpa, too!